"When Towers Fall, Faith Rises"

Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.
"When earthly towers crumble, let the pillars of faith, love, and unity rise from their ashes to touch the heavens." - Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr., Inspirationalist
📖 C H O F Ministry Scripture for Today
Psalm 46:1-2 (CSB) - "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not be afraid, though the Earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas."
Beloved in Christ, today we gather in reflection and unity as we commemorate a day etched into our collective memory—September 11, 2001.
Today, we remember a day that shattered our illusions of invulnerability but also fortified our spirit of unity. When the towers fell, when the flames raged, we were horrified but not defeated. The scripture tells us, "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble." The truth of these words was palpable in the actions of first responders, the kindness of strangers, and the resiliency of a grieving nation.
In moments when earthly towers fall, we realize that our true strength lies not in the constructs of steel and glass but in the compassionate arms of our Creator.
Now, I challenge you not to dwell solely on the tragedy but to focus on the lessons it imparts. How can we be a refuge for someone today? How can we embody the strength that God pours into us to lift others out of their despair?
Let us transmute our sorrow into purpose, remembering that God's love is our ultimate tower of strength. Acts of kindness, big or small, are the bricks with which we build this heavenly tower on Earth.
Today, perform an act of kindness—no matter how small—in memory of those we lost and in honor of those who gave everything to save others. Let that action resonate as a tribute, not just to human strength but to divine love.
Beloved, let us never forget that even when towers fall, our faith rises, steadfast, built upon the unshakeable foundation of divine love and human resilience.
Let Us Go into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy.
Heavenly Father, on this day of remembrance, instill in us the courage to be beacons of Your love and strength. May our actions honor those who have been lost and inspire a future built on compassion and unity. To God Be the Glory.

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