Resolving Disputes

October 13, 2022

Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.

Matthew 18:15 (AMP)
If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens and pays attention to you, you have won back your brother.
Conflict is inevitable in any connection between humans. Conflict is unavoidable in all social settings, including families, communities, churches, ministries, and friendship groups. The verse summarizes Christ's best advice for resolving disagreements and can be divided into four sections.
*The first step in making amends should come from the offended party. As Jesus instructed, the one who has been wronged must take the initiative to reach out and begin the healing process.
*As a second step, "identify the problem." The aggrieved party should convey to the offender respectfully and forthrightly the depth of their hurt, impact, and displeasure.
*Third, there should not be anyone else involved. It must be between the two of you, the one who was offended and the person who offended. The offender might feel embarrassed after committing the offense in a public place or in the presence of other people, so they might not repent.
*Fourth, the person who has been wronged should focus solely on one objective: to gain back the affection of the person who has wronged them. As a result, they will have learned from the situation, repented, and reconciled, restoring their good relationship. Amen? Aamen.
Here's Today's Prayer

Good Morning our Beloved Transcendent Father.
Lord, thank You for demonstrating the proper method to reconcile with those who have offended me. It's challenging, but I thank You for teaching me that what counts most is winning the heart of the person who offended me. With all sincerity, we pray, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Aaamen.

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