"Molded by the Divine Potter"

Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.
Bible Verse: Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)
"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."
Have you ever witnessed a potter crafting pottery at a state fair? They demonstrate incredible patience, accuracy, and dedication in sculpting their masterpiece. The potter starts with a lump of clay and carefully shapes it. Upon completion, they meticulously inspect it for perfection, ensuring it is devoid of any blemishes or imperfections that may prevent it from selling.
Similarly, the Lord serves as our divine potter. He molds us into the exquisite beings He envisions for us to be. Our lives have been individually planned by Him, with His ultimate goal being to bestow blessings upon us in all aspects of our lives. However, sometimes we become apathetic and content with our current state in Christ Jesus.
With unwavering resolve, let us wholly submit ourselves to the Redeemer. He, akin to the potter's hand, will iron out the creases and eliminate any obstacles in our lives that may obstruct our journey with Him. The Lord, mirroring the potter, will sculpt us into the splendid masterpieces He intends for us to be.
Heavenly Father, the Divine Potter,

We come before You today with humble hearts, acknowledging Your divine power and infinite love. We thank You for shaping us into the unique creations You intend for us to be.
Lord, please grant us the strength and wisdom to surrender ourselves completely to You, allowing Your hand to mold and refine us. As we face life's challenges and obstacles, may we always remember that You are our guiding force, shaping us into the beautiful masterpieces we are destined to become.
Help us to grow in faith, so that we may become more like Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son. Teach us to be patient and trusting in Your process, knowing that every step in our journey is part of Your divine plan.
Please continue to work on our hearts, removing any imperfections that hinder our walk with You. Transform us, Lord, so that we may be a shining example of Your love and grace to others.
We ask all these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

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