Do Something!

Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.

C H O F Ministry's Unified Manna: “Faith: More Than Belief, a Lens to Reimagine”

Good morning, beloved. As we step into today, let’s carry the resolve to act in faith and righteousness. 💪🏿

📖 [James 2
:17 (CSB)]
“In the same way faith, if it doesn’t have works, is dead by

Beloved, this verse highlights that true faith must be accompanied by action. Belief alone is not enough; our faith must be demonstrated through our deeds. 🙏🏿

In a world full of challenges, injustices, and opportunities, it’s easy to retreat into the comfort of belief without stepping out into action. But faith, true faith, calls us to move beyond the safety of our convictions and into the realm of making a difference. The early church understood this—facing persecution, poverty, and opposition, they didn’t just talk about love, mercy, and justice; they lived it out. They healed the sick, fed the hungry, and spoke boldly against injustice. Their faith was visible, tangible, and transformative. 🌍✊🏿

Today, the call remains the same. We cannot afford to be silent or still in a world that desperately needs the light of Christ. Whether it’s speaking out against injustice, helping a neighbor in need, or sharing the gospel with a friend, we’ve got to do something. Our faith is a verb, meant to propel us into the world as agents of change and vessels of God's love. ❤️
Michelle Obama’s words at the 2024 Democratic Convention resonate deeply with this call: “So if they lie about her — and they will — we’ve got to do something.” This isn’t just about defending a political figure; it’s a reminder to all of us that when truth is under attack, our faith compels us to act. We must rise, speak, and live out the love, mercy, and justice that Jesus taught. ✨

Let Us Go into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy:

Heavenly Father, grant us the courage to act when we see wrong, to stand firm in Your truth, and to move in faith that transforms the world around us. To God be The Glory! 🙏🏿

Have a Blessed Tuesday Eve
ryone!!! 🕊️ 💙 😊

C H O F Ministry:
"Igniting Faith, Elevating Wisdom, Transforming Lives." 🔥💡💖

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