“Are You Living on Autopilot or Purpose?”

Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.

Good morning, beloved. Today, let’s ask ourselves a powerful question—are we living life on autopilot or with God-given purpose? 🚗✈️

📖Ephesians 5:15-16 (CSB):
"Pay careful attention, then, to how you live—not as unwise people but as wise—making the most of the time, because the days are e

In this passage, Paul exhorts us to approach our lives with intentional purpose, using our wisdom to navigate the challenges of the world. 

Rather than succumbing to the darkness around us, we are encouraged to seize every opportunity to grow in faith and spread God's love.

Many people go through life on autopilot—waking up, going through the motions, and just making it through the day. But God calls us to live with intention and purpose, not passivity. Each moment is a gift, and each day is an opportunity to fulfill the plans He has for us. When we live on autopilot, we can miss out on the divine opportunities God places before us. But when we live purposefully, we are more aware of His guidance, more open to His promptings, and more aligned with His mission for our lives. Living on purpose means making the most of every day, asking God, “How can I serve You today? How can I make an impact for Your kingdom?” 🙌🏿

Are you living on autopilot, just going through the motions? Or are you making every moment count, pursuing the purpose God has for you? The Bible calls us to pay careful attention to how we live, using our time wisely and living in alignment with God’s will. When we embrace God’s purpose for our lives, we unlock meaning, direction, and a deeper sense of fulfillment that transcends routine.

Beloved, it’s easy to fall into the trap of living on autopilot, doing the same things day after day without intention. But God didn’t create you to just exist—He created you for a purpose. Each of us has a divine calling, a unique mission that God has placed within us. When we live on purpose, we wake up every day with a sense of direction, knowing that our lives are meant to reflect God’s glory and love. Today, I challenge you to ask yourself: “Am I living on autopilot, or am I living on purpose?” Seek God’s guidance in all that you do, and watch how He transforms even the most ordinary moments into extraordinary opportunities for His kingdom. 🙏🏿

Let Us Go Into The Throne Room of Grace and Mercy.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of purpose You have placed in each of us. Help us to wake up from the monotony of autopilot living and step into the divine calling You have for our lives. Guide our steps, open our eyes to the opportunities You place before us, and teach us to make the most of every moment. To God be The Glory! 🙏🏿

C H O F Ministry:
"Igniting Faith, Elevating Wisdom, Transforming Lives."

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