January 31, 2023
Bishop, W. F. Houston, Jr.
*C H O F Ministry Bible Study Reading:
Proverbs 9:1–12
**C H O F Ministry Focal Verse: 9:12 - If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you.
Jesus presented a story as a parable about a traveling guy. He then gave his servant five bags of gold, at which point the man went to work and eventually earned five more loads of money, bringing the total to 10. Another servant was presented with two bags of gold, bringing their total haul to four for the man. The third, though, did nothing but try to conceal his bag. It was taken away once the man had returned, and it was given to the first servant. (Matt. 25:14–30).
Jesus used this parable to illustrate a principle related to the kingdom of God. According to Jesus, those who practice wisdom, righteousness, and faithfulness see a multiplicative effect on their "return on investment," whereas those who practice foolishness and wickedness end up spiritually bankrupt (Matt. 25:29). So, as we can see, one's wisdom can grow! When confronted with a novel circumstance in life, a prudent individual does not "resume from square one." Instead, learning develops into a routine that leads to the accumulation of ever-greater levels of wisdom (Prov. 9:9).
In our reading today, wisdom is compared to a gracious host who extends a warm welcome (vv. 1–2). She cleans the house, cooks supper, and sets the table. A traditional representation of perfection, the "seven pillars" of the home represent the conventional ideal of a flawless structure.
Wisdom invites "all who are simple," which means naive, stupid, or ignorant," and "those who have no sense" (vv. 3–6). The fact that wisdom welcomes not only "talented" or "deserving" students but also common fools like us ought to be a source of inspiration for us. We don't need to continue in this manner. Both expansion and metamorphosis are not excluded from possibility. Respond in the affirmative and make your way to the dining room!
How should we respond to this invitation, and why should we do so? As a result of past decisions, the majority will react in a similar manner (vv. 7–8). A heart set on God's righteousness and reverence will hear and answer the call of wisdom (v. 9–10). The message in today's reading contrasts the Scripture from yesterday (Day 25): Wisdom becomes inaccessible when neglected or rejected. The rewards increase when we make an effort to seek knowledge and spiritual insight. (vv. 11–12).
*Beloved, the invitation extended by wisdom in the New Testament is clear and concise, instructing us on how to enhance our share: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God . . . and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
Let Us Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, our God in Heaven, grant us the wisdom that You say You will give to those who seek it. We are often affected by the opinions of those who have the same limitations that we do. Raise us up in the direction of Your wisdom so that we may be steadfast. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If you need to talk, we are here for you.